Saturday, September 26, 2015

Story Time

Every month we do Roataions where we take different classes to to a specific class. One teacher does science, cooking, exercise, music and Story Telling. I am in charge of story time. I try to make it interactive and fun, different then a story time they may have in their classroom. This month I choose the book 5 Little Pumkins by James Dean
After reading the story I re-did it via flannel board sinning to the tune of Raffies 5 Little Pumpkins.
I then picked 5 kids each giving them a pumpkin and a line in the story to say and acting out the story
These pumpkins are perfect for the kids to hold the are plastic and store great in my harvest box.

Every month we will be making a calendar to go with the story of the month. I used die cuts from the school district and let them glue on the pieces plus the words to go along with it.
Using the templates I got from I added in school dates to remember.
We had a few extra minute before we had to rotate back to our own classes where I played pumkin songs while the rotated between the art table, pumkin sensory box and the reading station.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A new Home for Abraham

Today the entire school got together for chapel as I told the story of Abraham

I made  this display from an idea I got from here to share the 3 promises God gave to Abraham.
For this one I used
Construction paper
3 cut out
Star stickers
Construction paper tent
Baby boy pattern

I told the story in my own words but then used this display to sum up the story. We talked about how God made us and how he has promises and blessing for our lives.
We then went over our Monthly Bible Verse
I will praise God because I am wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

I gave each child a star sticker and told them that every time the see the sticker it's a reminder that the are wonderfully made and that God has promises and blessing for their lives.

Music and Movement

We dance to Father Abraham

This got my little ones up and movin around.

Art: for art we cut out this tent pattern then glued it to a piece of paper, inside the door of the tent I encouraged them to draw Abraham and Sarah. 
I think next time I would glue it on blue paper and add star stickers.