Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Triangle Penguins

so this week we are on P which is great to go along with the winter theme I've been doing we've talked about penguins today.
what you need:
Large black triangle pattern
medium white triangle pattern
small orange triangles for feet
even smaller orange triangle for beak
google eyes

have child cut out triangles ( I only had them cut out one but if they can cut out both go for it)
have them glue together their penguin hang when dry

we also play penguin waddle by angle russ on her animal romp and stomp CD they had so much fun being penguins

Saturday, January 21, 2012

valentine Butterfly

So this week one of my parents donated a ton or wrapping paper rolls they saved from Christmas so that kick started me into a great valentine idea.

what you need:
toilet paper rolls
pink or purple paint
pink or purple construction paper
small heart shape pattern (trace pattern onto construction paper I was able to fit 2 hearts on one sheet)
red pipe-cleaners (fold in half and mold hearts on the end)

I cut the rolls down to toilet paper size and had each child paint them either pink or purple

I let them choose their color of wings and trace 2 hearts on them and had them cut them out ( my threes have been cutting since September most did fine some had trouble with the bump. I keep plenty of tape around

once the rolls were dry I had them stick on sticker eyes and then I drew a mouth and taped on red pipe cleaners for the antennas these will go on my tree next week.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Today we made owls we discussed how they hunt for food while we are sleeping and how well their eyes work at night so they can catch their food.

Fun owl fact-Owls are unable to move their eyes within their sockets to a great extent, which means they must turn their entire head to see in a different direction. Because owls have forward-facing eyes, they have well-developed binocular vision.

so to make our owls you need:
 a toilet paper tube for each child
goggle eyes
and a beak shape

give each child a toilet paper tube with the top squished down this will make the head shape

have each child paint the roll

and place the beak and eyes we did not need glue the eyes and beak stick fine on the paint
once they dry we will hang them in our tree :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

snow dough

so today we made snow out of play dough I just used a regular play dough recipe and had the kids kneed in white glitter to it what a blast!
 here is the recipe I used
Materials Needed:
  • 1 Cup Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Salt
  • 2 Tbsp Oil
  • 2 Tsp Cream of Tartar
  • 1 Cup Water

mix all ingredients together (I used an electric skillet) and place aside to cool when cooled enough kneed in glitter

when using food color I add it to the water

shimmery snowflakes

What you need:
coffee filters
glue/water mixture
opal glitter
blue construction paper

So I got this idea off another blog preschool playbook http://www.preschoolplaybook.com/2009_01_01_archive.html I followed her instructions except for I used coffee filters instead of tissue paper but had pre-done snowflake ready just in case my 3 year olds had trouble they did very well they ended up gluing their snowflake and mine :)
once the snowflakes were cut I gave them the blue piece of paper and the glue/water mixture (my second batch of glue was better because I used more water so it looked like a thick liquid starch

when they were done gluing they put their snowflake in my glitter bucket and sprinkled the opal glitter on top

when the snowflakes were dry I cut around the coffee filters and hung them around the room.

Monday, January 9, 2012


I love reading this book it is always great fun and really sparks the kids interest. I read it every January

Snowmen at night By:Caralyn Buchner

After we make our snowmen I ask each child what they think their snowman does at night I write it down and will put it on the bulletin board next to their snowman.

I did this craft in 2 parts in the morning we cut out the hats and at our regular art time we glued him together

What you need:
Small coffee filter
Large coffee filter
Hat pattern
Sticks ( we will gather sticks on our way from the playground)
Something for eyes and nose ( I used Cole and carrot shape construction paper cutouts)

When sitting the kids at the table I bring out each piece asking them what each piece could be used for Have each child cut out hat pattern

(I use lots of tape) :)

Give them glue and let them put together their snowman, have them use marker to draw a face
(I do remind them markers do not go in glue)

have child place sticks where they choose the arms to be but I helped and tapped them on. ( the glue would not stick)

When the snowmen dry they will go on my bulletin board for January

my original plan was to use markers for the face and streamers for the scarf but as you know it does not always go as plan I ended up grabbing crayons and it took longer to tape the sticks and I forgot about the scarfs only remembered once we were done.
this was my first year making snowmen out of coffee filters I normally do different size paper plate or white circles a co-worker had this on her wall this morning and I had to copy

I will hang the rest up once the glue dry's

Sunday, January 8, 2012


winter snowflakes

needed for project 1 toilet paper roll
clothespins or paper clips (I used paperclips)
white paint

teacher prep
Squish toilet paper roll then cut toilet into 5 parts ( I made my thinner so I had some extra)

glue bottom pieces together then hold in place with paperclips takes about 20 mins to dry

let each child paint snowflake inside and out then sprinkle with glitter when dry you can hang for decoration

notes: I also thought if painted red these would look great as poinsettias but have not tried it yet.

Please be patient with me it is my first try with blogging.