Friday, September 14, 2012

It looks like spilt milk

we read it looks like spilt milk then made our own clouds
sometimes it looks like a cloud but it wasn't a cloud

I asked each child what there cloud shape was this one was a shark

C is for Cross

we car painted a white sheet of paper then turned them into these fabulous crosses :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Colorful C

what you need
dot to dot paint
this dot to dot template I got from

I did not have any dot to dot on hand so I used pom poms and had the kids dip them in paint we had so much fun
for paint containers we use left over lunchable containers and applesauce and fruit cups

Bee-utiful B's

what you need:
Letter B's
Black construction paper
wiggly eyes
glue sticks
I gave each child a large piece of constructions paper and had them cut strips of black paper and glue it on the the letter B
I then cut out the B's and had them put on eyes and  wings walla
this idea I got off another blog check it out the have tons more alphabet ideas :)

Monday, September 10, 2012


Bb blue balloon prints for the letter b

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ant Hunt

Today we went on a scavenger hunt looking for ants we got on our antennas and magnifying glasses and searched the school yard looking for ants



when we got back we talked about what hard workers ants were and how even got acknowledges them in the bible
Proverbs 6:6

 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!

 than we did this alphabet page I got free from daniels place printable 
I just cut out the extra A's for tracing and used the piece appropriate for my age we trace and A and finger painted ants on them
for easy finger painting I just put paint on large sponges I got at the dollar tree this makes it like a stamp pad but cheaper :)